Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Black ~ Yellow ~ White

Hello Fashionista's

What a beautiful Tuesday... we are supposes to get up to 60 degrees today in the Chicagoland area... that's a heat wave for us in March LOL.  It was still too chilly out for me to take outside pics this morning, plus I wanted to take some in my made over office haha..

Wearing a crop white/black polka dot blazer, yellow circle belt and black flare jeans. Simple look with a pop of color. I'm itching to wear my spring clothes.. but gonna give it a couple more weeks, our weather is soo unpredictable, it could snow tomorrow...

Hope you are have a wonderful day :)

~ Pretty Dark Girl ~

What I Wore:
 Blazer - SA Thrift $3
Belt - Old
Jeans - Old Navy (Old)


  1. I like the pop of color!

  2. Cute look! The pop of yellow is perfect for this look!


  3. I love the way yellow looks with polka dots! <3

  4. Love the pop of color, looking good!!

  5. I wore black and white with a Bold touch of yellow today too.! Great blog.

    Your newest follower!

  6. that blazer is sooooooooooooooooooo fab omg I want it you look great I love how you gave it a pop of color with the yellow touch !!!

  7. I always love black and white with a pop of color and this is no exception! That blazer is sick!!! You look great!


  8. That pop of yellow is just fab! And you know I looovvveee me some polka dots. Gimme that blazer boo, lol.

    I'm Orlando boo :-( That sucks because I'll be in Miami the weekend of the 17th. But I do hope you enjoy your time here in our sunny locale!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment, they are truly appreciated :)

~ Pretty Dark Girl~